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Legal Latin

  • 12 April 2021

Legal Latin

Legal education has been sought to be made more uniform throughout the western world. In the Western countries the Legal system has been drawn from the ancient Roman laws. Considering the central position that Latin had in most of the European countries, its leading position in the legal system of the modern nations isn’t surprising. India still follows the western legal structure, and therefore Latin has come to occupy the same position of prominence in Indian legal discourse.

We present a series of Latin phrases that are use by lawyers in India. They help the lawyers sound more credible and knowledgeable.

A Fortiori

A posteriori

A priori

Ab initio

Ad hominem

Actus reus

Mens rea

Animus nocendi

Amicus curiae

Animus possidendi

Ignorantia juris non excusat

In pari materia

Ad idem

Cadit quaestio

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