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Basic Transitions – Sequencers

We use transition words and phrases to connect the things we say. For instance, as we saw in the video, if we mention more than one thing that happens one after the other, we use sequential transition chunks or sequencers.

We often use sequencers in English when we give instructions, describe a process, procedure, or method, or even tell stories.

Why do we use transition chunks? Let’s look at some of the reasons:

      • When we use sequencers, we are able to organize our ideas into sections and put them in a particular order. This helps the listener understand what we are saying. How? When we describe our thoughts, they are able to draw the correct picture of what we are saying in the mind of the listener.
      • These chunks also help improve our fluency. It is like this: when we use these sequencing chunks, we tell the listener what came first and what came next. This helps the listener understand better, easily, and quickly.
      • As we said in the video, the principle of communication is “Draw the picture, and describe it”. These chunks help us do just that!

I’ve given below some of the sequencing chunks. Use them in your spoken word and see yourself becoming more and more fluent.

  1. First, Second, Third, … Last

For example,

First, we need to stop crop burning.

Second, we need to check vehicle pollution

Third, we need to get more policemen on the roads to control pollution.

Fourth, we need to give the police more power to punish the people who break the law.

  1. Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, … Lastly

For example,

Firstly, schools should remain closed.

Secondly, masks should be made compulsory.

Thirdly, more doctors must be asked to join the hospitals.

Fourthly, all medical staff must be paid salaries regularly.

  1. To begin with, Next, Then, Thereafter, And then, After that, Thereafter, Also, Again, Besides that, Moreover, What is more, Finally

For example,

To begin with, I’m going to tell you about the advantages of making school education free and compulsory.

Next, I’m going to tell you the disadvantages of this plan, and how to overcome them.

Then, I’m going to give you the cost of such a venture and the sources of funds.

And, finally, I’m going to show you the present status of education in our country and how long it will take before reaching the 90% level.

Note, these are not the only sequencing chunks. There are several others as well. You will get to know them as you proceed to higher levels.

Also, remember, learning English is research. You will have to study and explore the subject on your own as well. The teacher will give you the way of exploring because you won’t be able to do that on your own in a short time. However, how quickly you are able to learn and use the new language depends totally on how badly you want to learn the language.

Work hard and smartly. You will definitely become a great speaker of English – have no doubt!

All the best!

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