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Training Principles

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Our Focus and Principles of Training

Learn in chunks: Chunks are the set of words that go together ALWAYS. As adults, you cannot learn a language like you did at school for 2 reasons:

So, we give you the chunks that you put together and start speaking. Then you gradually come to realize how to form structures and complete sentences. We help you FEEL the language, the way you FEEL your Mother Tongue.

Also, we never use jargon. So, we don’t say things like:

Today we’ll look at present indicative and contrast it with the present subjunctive”.

Learn by speaking: You use the language practically. See, the point is if you can speak well, you can write better. So, we look at the most active ways of learning English – listening and speaking. Once you are good at speaking and understanding the language at a functional level, that is the level that suits your needs, you can start on the writing skills in depth.

The learner speaks as much as possible during the lesson. The only way the learner acquires a language is by listening and speaking, just as one learns to swim by actually jumping into the water. This also means the classes are ‘no-book’ sessions unless specifically targeted.

No translations: You learn English in English. We believe, if you learn English in your Mother Tongue, your Mother Tongue will be the boss. You won’t be able to make English your own. It will always be a foreign language.

And you’re learning a language to make it your own! You come to the teacher to help you start thinking in English as quickly as possible.

Constructive error correction: The teacher finds out how much English you know and then proceeds to fill in the gaps. This means, you don’t have to learn the things you already know. The aim is to get you to USE English properly, easily, and effectively. And as you progress, you will realize the errors you make and correct them on your own.

What and not Why: We don’t teach you any rules. No theory. You don’t need to know, for example, why you should say

If I were a millionaire…

and why not 

If i am a millionaire…

Instead you get the feel of the language as you speak. You see, when you speak your mother tongue, you feel the words.  You can easily draw the correct picture from the words you hear, and utter the correct words based on the picture you have in mind – your thoughts or ideas. The learners are not burdened with theoretical details. They are taught how to use the language. They are encouraged to induce the rules from examples.

Functional training with the aid of structures: What we do is to help you use the language in your everyday communication. Not just in a restaurant or hotel, &c, but at work while presenting, or negotiating, or even writing emails. All the way through. You learn how to communicate effectively and assertively.

Learn with fun: The learners are encouraged to be creative with the language. They are not asked to memorize sentences and phrases they may need some day. It is fun because you are able to use the language the way you wish to use it. And you taste success straightaway! We just guide you on that path.

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