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General English Programs Intermediate Level

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General English Programs

This is for beginners through advanced learners. It helps people use the English language in a variety of everyday situations. There are three levels—Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each level is about 120 hours long.

In this program, we train you to speak in English fluently, politely, firmly, and accurately. There are around 11 levels in the TELW program. Each level is around 30 hours long. You will start your English course only from the level where you are at the time of the level assessment. The 11 levels are:

LEVELS                 A                                 B                                      C

1               20 HOURS                  30 HOURS                  30 HOURS

2                30 HOURS                  30 HOURS                  30 HOURS

3                30 HOURS                  30 HOURS                  30 HOURS

4                30 HOURS                  30 HOURS                  30 HOURS

So, if you are a B1 to start with, you will start your training only at B1 and not A1.

Intermediate Level

Can-do Statement (What you can do at the end of this level)

In this program, you will be able to deal with situations that you normally come across at work or leisure, including travelling. You will be more spontaneous and fluent. You will be able to understand more complex and technical matters better and will be able to speak with native speakers with minimum misunderstandings. In other words, some of the things you will learn at this level include:

Giving opinions on a variety of matters

You will learn to use advanced English opinion chunks like I’d say, as far as I’m concerned, and so on. You will also learn the various kinds of opinions that you could express, like, It’s absolutely excellent, I think it’s elegantly stated, and so on.

Expressing yourself politely yet firmly using advanced structures,

You will learn advanced polite English expressions like Could you send me the report by Friday, please, Would you mind parking your car up ahead by that tree, please, and so on. These and other expressions make you sound assertive and polite together.

Talking about schedules and progress of activities

You will learn how to express, in English, the state of a project or other activities, the various tasks involved, the stages of completion of the various tasks, and so on. These structures and vocabulary help you state give a clear picture of the state and progress of actions.

Analysing situations and predict results based on assumptions

You will learn how to analyse the state of affairs and forecast the results depending on expectations. This is an ability that makes your statements clear in the face of the uncertainty of the conditions.

Giving reasons and explanations

You will learn how to use the right chunks to state the reasons and explanations for any state or action. This helps you state your point clearly and unambiguously without taking undue blame on yourself.

Making predictions, plans, and schedules

You will learn some of the advanced ways in which you can state the future, like, going to, will, the continuous, and so on.

Generally, expressing yourself with greater flexibility and authority on most matters and situations that are familiar. You will be able to interact with native speakers on basic issues familiar to you.

Length of Course
30 hours
60 hours
90 hours
Schedule2 hrs a day Monday to Friday
2 hrs a day Monday to Friday
2 hrs a day Monday to Friday
Career Development Skills
2 hours
4 hours
6 hours
32 hours
64 hours
98 hours

We also offer Private Training. The fee is Rs 1,000 per hour.

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