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  • telw.delhi@gmail.com

General English Program Advanced Level

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General English Programs

This is for beginners through advanced learners. It helps people use the English language in a variety of everyday situations. There are three levels—Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each level is about 120 hours long.

In this program, we train you to speak in English fluently, politely, firmly, and accurately. There are around 11 levels in the TELW program. Each level is around 30 hours long. You will start your English course only from the level where you are at the time of the level assessment. The 11 levels are:

LEVELS                 A                                 B                                      C

1               20 HOURS                  30 HOURS                  30 HOURS

2                30 HOURS                  30 HOURS                  30 HOURS

3                30 HOURS                  30 HOURS                  30 HOURS

4                30 HOURS                  30 HOURS                  30 HOURS

So, if you are a B1 to start with, you will start your training only at B1 and not A1.

Advanced Level

What you can do at the end of this level

In Level C you will be able to deal with absolutely any situation, including abstract matters. You will also be able to interact with native speakers without straining to understand them or make them understand. You will be able to give your detailed perspective expressing various hues of opinions, and talk about advantages and disadvantages with greater clarity. You will also be able to give your opinions and analyses on even comp-complex matters. In other words, you will learn, among other things, the structures, expressions, and vocabulary to do the following activities:

      1. describe abstract matters like proficiency, &c
      2. describe complex experiences
      3. describe procedures and processes
      4. describe people and compare to conclude logically and validly
      5. speculate, express regrets
      6. talk on matters anywhere on the timeline without confusion
      7. debate independently with native speakers with purpose and clarity

The objective here will be to enable the learner to speak fluently and naturally using expressions that are commonly used by the native speakers. The module also helps the listener understand the expressions used by native speakers in the normal course.

Length of Course
30 hours
60 hours
90 hours
120 hours
Schedule2 hrs a day Monday to Friday
2 hrs a day Monday to Friday
2 hrs a day Monday to Friday
2 hrs a day Monday to Friday
Career Development Skills
4 hours
8 hours
12 hours
16 hours
32 hours
64 hours
98 hours
136 hours

We also offer Private Training. The fee is Rs 1,250 per hour.


Other courses

General English Basic Level

General English Intermediate Level

Career Development Programs


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